WebTribute is a web-based PHP/PostgreSQL simple content management system.
It is designed to be used with Macromedia Dreamweaver templates, and is intended to replicate the functionality of Contribute.
Installation Instructions:
What you need:
- WebServer
- PHP4.x
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL functionality compiled into PHP
- A means to create Dreamweaver templates (namely, Dreamweaver)
- PhpPgAdmin is strongly recommended.
- Download Webtribute and untar/gunzip it in your webserver's document root
- Create a Postgres user named wwwuser - this user does not need to create users or databases (createuser wwwuser)
- Give wwwuser a password (alter user wwwuser password 'password')
- Create a Postgres database named webtribute (createdb webtribute)
- As a user that can create databases, run psql webtribute < /path/to/webtribute/database/webtribute.sql or load webtribute.sql into phpPgAdmin
- WebTribute has no built in authentication. Set up some sort of authentication on the directory you installed WebTribute into.
- Update the "Admin" account in the authors table to reflect a valid login. This will be your WebTribute administrator account. The username must match the valid login's username.
- Update the default "site" in the sites table. Add any other virtual hosts that you may have. htmlArea is the default WYSIWYG editor.
- If you have virtual hosts, symlink the WebTribute directory into the document root of each virtual host.
- At this point a decision need to be made.
Your website's document directories must either be writeable by the webserver user, or you must use fileWriter.
- Update lib/configuration.php to reflect your site.
If your web document directories are writeable by the webserver, set FILESYSTEM_PERMS to privileged and WEB_USER as the webserver username.
If not, set FILESYSTEM_PERMS to 'unprivileged', set WEB_USER to the user account to write to the filesystem and set up sudo to allow the unprivleged user to run webtribute-fileWriter as the privileged user.
- Update the sessionDomain in classes/session.class.php to reflect your domain.
- Save your Dreamweaver template(s) as html files to the templates directory.
- Manually paste your template into the templates table (this is a To Do) and assign the proper site.
- Edit lib/TemplateAreaDefinitions.php. This is probably the most complicated part without real documentation. See here for valid template area definitions.
- Open a web browser to your Webtribute directory and log in. Choose your site and edit away!
There are quite a few "To Dos", namely to actually create the admin functions and implement much more granular permissions.
Template Area Definitions:
Template Area Definitions are how WebTribute knows to display the proper editing areas for a given template.
Definition Types |
title | Appears as a standard Text type form field. Used only for document titles |
freeform | Will create a link to the "miniEditor" (popup window) and display a standard Textarea form field |
editor-* | Will create a link to the "miniEditor" (popup window) and display a WYSIWYG editor with a comma delimited list of features available (i.e. link,fontstyle) use editor-full for complete WYSIWYG functionality. |
inlineEditor-* | Same as above, but instead of creating a link to the miniEditor, will appear inline in the template display. |
simpleText | Appears as a standard Text type form field. |
"$areas" is a hash of "template area names" as keys and definition types as values.
"$headAreas" is an array of template area names that wouldn't normally display in a page (i.e. items in the <head></head> tags).